Teaching methodology

At our school that knowledge, skills and abilities are implemented for teaching English, German and French, which the teachers have obtained not only studying on a linguistic faculty at university, but also the knowledge, skills and abilities, obtained  on courses and trainings for language teachers and, of course, their own experience and accomplishments.

Teaching at primary and secondary levels is conducted according to a specialized programme, which is close to the one, used by specialized classes in English learning. The limited number of the pupils in each group allows the teacher to pay enough attention to every pupil and leads to the most effectiveness in teaching. Secondary schoolchildren and adults teaching is conducted at levels from basic to upper-intermediate.

The most modern British textbooks, which have the best recommendations from advanced methodologists, teachers and students, are used at our school. Except the main teaching kits, variousadditional materials, effective forms, means, techniques and methods in language teaching are used, which allows every student to apply and use the knowledge, which is gained during the lessons in high quality in real life.

A tradition of   WOW Language School is holding celebrations and celebratory events, when we learn new theme words, sing songs, play games, as well as we make a holiday craft. There were a lot of celebrations hold during the school existence, such as the ones on the New Year occasion, the 8 March, the holiday of the Alphabet, “Easter Bunny” and “We are the Rescues”, which was the first celebration hold by own scenario and a lot of other celebrations on the occasion of the final day of the summer camp. Moreover, on the occasion of our school fifth birthday in 2014, WOW PARTY summarizing celebratory event was hold, and two years later – WOW BELL 2016 in the local central Culture House on the occasion of the end of the studying year. The students’ parents and relatives are always invited for such events, just to watch the children’s performance in the foreign languages and their gained results for a definite period of time of their studying at school and, of course, to enjoy the holiday and get positive impressions.

Organization and holding such kind of celebrations contributes to everyone’s feeling that LANGUAGE LEARNING is not just usual lessons, but also a HOLIDAY! LANGUAGE LEARNING is WOW!

Register for studying

If a client has a certain level of language knowledge, but he or she wants to improve his or her knowledgeof a school programme or just improve his or her level of language competence, registration for studying includes several stages. The first stage is a consultationfor defining the client’s level through having certain tests. Then, the client is provided by an appropriate level group or a new one is opened in the case, when there is enough number of students of the appropriate language level.


Our WOW school has its own history. Everything had been taking its beginning when our teachers worked at state schools.  For the first time it was difficult to work with primary schoolchildren as there was not an appropriate material base, so the teachers had to create flash-cards individually by copying pictures on a definite topic, they had to think HOW TO EVOKE THE STUDENTS’ INTEREST, how to make their lessons interesting and reach the results in teaching the children. An Owl came for help – the image which helped to create playing situations at the lessons, which is still living in our school, and which became the main part of the school name WOW  (WISE OWL WELCOME).

For the first time, only pre-schoolchildren and primary schoolchildren studied at the school, but a bit later – senior schoolchildren and adults. Our students have good results in learning foreign languages, the prove of that is their high level of knowledge at the school subject in the language they are learning at WOW school and the adult students pass language exams successfully and use their knowledge easily in communication with foreigners.


Experienced creative teachers, who are dedicated to their deal and for whom the quality is above all in giving services, work at WOW school. Love to their students, to the people they work with, make them happy.

The school is developing continuously by means of self-improvement of the teachers who work here, by searching of the newest,the most effective and the most modern methods in teaching, by attending trainings for teachers linguists in Ukraine and abroad, aiming the skills development in the language they teach, raising of the professional level and mastery. The wow school teachers also have Cambridge certificates, which are internationally recognized and give the right to teach English in many countries in the world.

What our clients say

Our wow school students have good results in foreign languages learning, and the proof of this is the high level of the language knowledge they learn here at our school and the adult students pass their language exams successfully and use their language knowledge easily in communicating with foreigners.

Our WOW school team is very grateful to our students who always share their praising word with us about the learning process, as well as about their results with great desire. There are the winners of the local English Olympiadwho took the first places during several years and who were also the participants of the regional Olympiad in English. Daryna Nestropa is one of them and at the present time she is the Bachelor of international relationship, an English teacher and also the author of many popular articles in English. In 2018 our students Yana Malovichko and Veronicka Horytska took the first places in the local Olympiad in English and Oleksandr Verchenko and Julia Bilyakova took the first places in Creative writing on the local level, which is the Ukrainian state contest in English. Julia Bilyakova also took part in the second tour of this contest, which was hold in Cherkasy and took the second place on the regional level.

The main event and achievement of our work in 2019, became the 1st placein the local and the 3d place in the regional Olympiad in English, taken by Veronicka Horytska, our graduate student; the 1st place in the local Olympiad was also taken by Oleksandr Verchenko (the 8th form), the 3d place – by Yanina Malovichko (the 9th form).

The first place in the local and the regional level «WRITE ON! UKRAINE. Creative Writing Competition» in a creative writing was taken by our student – Oleksandr Verchenko and the 2nd place on the local level –  by Oleksandra Kaplun.