The most modern British textbooks, which have the best recommendations from advanced methodologists, teachers and students, are used at our school. Except the main teaching kits, variousadditional materials, effective forms, means, techniques and methods in language teaching are used, which allows every student to apply and use the knowledge, which is gained during the lessons in high quality in real life.

For pre-schoolers and schoolchildren

Teaching at primary and secondary levels is conducted according to a specialized programme which is close to the one, used by specialized classes in English learning. The limited number of the pupils in each group allows the teacher to pay enough attention to every pupil and leads to the most effectiveness in teaching.

Teaching the preschoolers provides oral communication basically, that is speaking and listening on the most widespread social household topics, learning of the letters and sounds, numbers from 1 to 20. Learning a language in the pre-school age comes naturally and children remember new words, the most simple language structures, new songs and rhymes fast and easily and exceptionally through games. Then, when studying in the first form, the child remembers the learnt material effortlessly, which is practiced again and further they learn the more difficult one.

For adults

Secondary schoolchildren and adults teaching is provided at levels from basic to upper-intermediate (six levels). 

For those, who have been studying the language, but want to improve their knowledge of a school programme or just improve and raise their level of competence and skills, registration for studying has several stages. The first stage is a consultation which comprises a quick test and defines the client’s level. Then, according to his or her level, a new group is selected or the new one is established when there is enough number of students, a schedule of the lessons, which is suitable for the most of the new students, is being defined. If the schedule or group studying are not convenient  for the client, or language learning has some time limits, an individual form of learning is possible, which takes into account the client’s needs and which is the base for developing an individual plan, according to which studying is realized.